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Principal Desk

Swami Vivekanand said, “Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true”. Views and opinion may vary according to state, language, and region.

          Our Institution Swami Vivekanand Mahavidyalaya, Mukramabad is situated on the boundaries of Maharashtra, Telangana and Karnataka state. As a result, a remarkable number of students from these different states are getting enrolled in our Institution every year. These students have diversity in language, culture and social rituals which makes this Institution a true reflection of India’s global image of “Unity in Diversity”.

          We strongly believe that wisdom and knowledge are the two sides of a coin. This belief compels us to maintain the discipline in learning process through teaching. We are committed to mould the students in right perspective and develop their personality in every aspect. This Institution always respects the innovative, social and cultural aspects of students to make them responsible citizen of India. Every effortis made to overcome the cultural and language barriers while teaching the learning process.

          One of innovative features of our college is that Military science is a rare college subjects. Through this subject we taught students’ India’s Internal Security Challenges, Defence Organization, and Modern Warfare etc, with Practical Military education. The result of these practises students attracted to wards Nation First and Discipline about himself.

          Education is the right way to develop personal, family and social life in a better manner. It’s our earnest endeavour to inculcate the positive aspects in each student to face the hurdles of life by following honesty, discipline and sincerity in every walk of life. Students here are taught to learn the knowhow from present situation.           We welcome you all to this great Institution of higher learning with the assurance of nurturing and caring environment that will see everybody blossom into empowered and responsible human beings.